Water is one of the most important basic elements necessary  for life. A land without water is a place where there aren't any human beings, animals or plants. That is why water regarded as an invaluable resource. Although water is an important substance, man has not realised the value of it and man has been misusing water for a long time. The water of the village tanks is used for various purposes such as washing, bathing, drinking and so on.

Some people are in the habit of wasting water purposely. They don't use water purposely. They don't use economically. If we have a look at our public taps it is a sad sight. Most of the taps are half open. They never close the taps properly after use.

We can see garbage in tons heaped up near the waterways. Some factories freely drain the industrial chemical waste and affluent into waterways posing a deadly threat to human and other animal life. It is apparent that the quantity of water available for consumption is not at all sufficient for the entire population of the world. In view of the above facts we can easily realise that water is an invaluable  s
ubstance. Let's preserve water resources for ever.


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